
Writing has been part of Amy’s life for a long time. She has been responsible for writing for a myriad of audiences and purposes in her work at the Y, teaching in Korea, and as a graduate student. Amy also contributes to various websites and publications. This section includes...

Data Visualization

Accurate visualizations that both inform and persuade are critical as people seek to educate themselves and others on topics as diverse as climate change, social unrest, pop culture, and everything in between. In his 2019 book How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter about Visual Information, Cairo explains that charts – when...

A Peacock’s Life Photography

A Peacock’s Life (APL) lifestyle photography business will launch in 2021. The client and business owner, Lisa Peacock, worked with Amy Adeline to develop marketing materials in preparation for the launch. The primary publication, a tri-fold brochure, is the first marketing document for the business. Branding decisions for the...

Document Design

Document design is a skill that Amy has enjoyed since her undergraduate career, though she did not categorize it as such until recently. Whether she is creating presentations for the classroom, developing a budget report for a board meeting, or re-creating a newsletter, Amy’s precision and attention to detail...

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